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"Whichever Way We Understand You"

Writer's picture: Christine VanagasChristine Vanagas

Updated: Jun 4, 2023

Some time ago, I spent a summer learning from different Indigenous Knowledge Keepers. The Elders would begin with a prayer each time we gathered together to learn. I recall the first time we gathered to pray, the Elder began by saying different names for Creator and added '"whichever way we understand you." The phrase caught my attention, and although I recall the words making sense in that moment, I began to wonder if it was somehow a gesture towards universalism or political correctness. Raised in my Evangelical faith, I carried a healthy degree of skepticism around praying to ''false gods." Once I heard the Elder speak those words, it seemed like many more were praying in this way so I had ample moments to give careful thought to the prayer and who we might be praying to.

I am indebted to this Elder for praying in this manner and drawing my attention to these words. I recall later hearing another teacher share that the Hebrew people did not say God's name because they considered it too holy for them say. My thoughts turned immediately to the prayer of the Elder and I began to see all throughout the Old Testament how the Israelites would make reference to God according to who He was in their situation. Some examples include:

Jehovah-Elohim - The Eternal Creator

Jehovah-Jireh - The Lord our Provider

El-Elyon - The Lord Most High

El-Gibor - The Mighty God

Jehovah-Nissi - The Lord our Banner

Jehovah-Repha - The Lord Our Healer

Jehovah-Shalom - The Lord our Peace

Jehovah-Shammah - The Lord is Present

Adonai-El-Roi - The God Who Sees Me

As I read the 'back story' behind each name, it became clear that the name invoked for God was personal and He was described according to who He uniquely was in each of their circumstances. Perhaps my favorite name for God is in Hagar's story - she describes Him as the God who saw her in a very difficult situation. I am also reminded that God sees each of us and yet God equally desires us to see Him. It was then that I had an understanding of how the Elders were praying - it was an invitation for us to join in prayer in whichever way we understood God to be in that moment. It was a call to be deeply more intimate than I initially understood it to be.

The Elders' challenge to get personal during prayer time now causes me when I set out to pray to think about who God is and how he showed up for me on that particular day.

One morning, my puppy decided that we needed an extended cuddle session. I began scratching behind her ears and talking to God. I then burst out saying 'You're the God who makes puppies!' I caught myself (and my puppy) off guard with my excitement, but it also caused me to marvel about a God who could make puppies, kittens, bunnies, birds, and all sorts of adorable creatures. In fact, not only did God create animals for us to behold, He caused humans and animals to create endorphins when we run our fingers through their fur and cuddle with our fur-(or feathered)-babies. In his wisdom and love for His creation, He thoughtfully made a way for comfort and bonding to occur between us and our pets despite not having a shared language. In that very moment, it occurred to me that it made perfect sense to faithfully follow and serve the God who makes puppies!

Heavenly Father, Creator, God, whichever way we understand you in this moment.

You are Jehovah-elohim, El-Elyon, Adonai-El-Roi. You are the God who desires to be in personal relationship with each of us. You are the God who pursues us with goodness and mercy. You are the God who created puppies, kittens, bunnies, birds, and so many other adorable creatures.

Thank you for thoughtfully caring about our comfort! We invite you to spend the day with us. Help us to see you clearly in our circumstances so we might grow to know more about your character as well as the height, width, and depth of your love for all your Creation.

We bless you this day and give you thanks!


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